Meme Fun / Unconscious mutterings

 Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

Knees :creaky

Law :necessary

Goodbye :only when I’m dead and gone

Regrets :overlook them, as they are in the past

Dedicated :success

Sushi :Love

Australia :Beautiful / Dry

Renovation : no more of that for a while

Honk :traffic

Beg :“NO” work for what you need!


A Pic of “Cheekie and” I from 2008…. Still as happy as ever!


Jeauxdi said…
Knees - creaky! Oh yeah! I think my everything is creaky! Whew!
And ya right about the Goodbye!
Have a FAB Tuesday my Lovie!
I love you to the MOON! XOXO