6 Day Countdown

I have told Jeauxdi, I don’t quite know if I can stand six more days! LOL We are moving into our home then, Hopefully we will be done by Sunday! If not, I am sure we will only have some odds and ends to complete!

Jeauxdi and I have been enjoying working on bog and page layouts. It is a pleasant distraction from the same ole, same ole FB type things! If you get a chance Check out her page!


Once we get settled, I am going to get back into my photography blogs. I hope to have lots of beautiful things to picture in our yard once we get it complete!

Although I am not a fan of moving and packing, I am looking forward to getting this move complete. Jeauxdi and I have been ready for quite some time for this! I can foresee plenty of wonderful times ahead and am eagerly anticipation them!



McFluffy & Cheekie


Jeauxdi said…
I am SO enjoying blogging again...And with YOU! That makes me happy bubbly in my heart!
I can't wait to get in our new home too!
I <3 you to the (_Y_)