December’s Here

Well December is here, Thanksgiving is gone, and we are not at Disneyworld this year! Let me say that that is OK. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with most of the family! Some were out of town and some….somewhere else. I hope that all we didn't get to see had a great thanksgiving. We got a chance to see my sister Kim, her husband and their three children this year! They were fun, it has been a while since we have seen them.My honey and I started to get over the yuckies, then..BAM, it seem as though it might be coming back. If it doesn't go away quick, I am going to get a shot!! Anyway, thanks to all who make our lives brighter, its what Thanksgiving is about! Now we can concentrate on Christmas! We put up a PINK tree this year. I was a little apprehensive, but my cheekie monkey, convinced me! Boy am I glad she did. It is Beautiful!

pink tree

This will be our last Christmas in this house, so we are going for a new small look! Well I am off to piddle on the computer, then watch a couple of recorded shows! Say a prayer for my honey! Help her kick the terrible sinus pain and headaches!

Love ya bunches Cheekie Monkey!



Jeauxdi said…
I love you My Lovie! I hope we both get better soon! I don't know how much more I can take with these migrains! They HURT =0(
Thank you for taking such great care of me! XOXO
I love you!